Committed to Efficient, Economical and Healthy Living

(585) 217-9069

Types Of Insulation

Coler Natural Insulation is your solution for any insulation problems. We offer a variety of insulation types and can install insulation in any part of your home. Whether you need insulation in the walls, ceilings, attic, or crawl space, our team of professionals will provide results that you can feel (and see in your energy savings)!


What We Offer:


Spray Foam Insulation

This is our most popular product and for a good reason. Spray Foam Insulation is one of the best insulation types on the market. Its ability to be a perfect thermal seal creates a high R-value that customers notice quickly.  This is due to its spray-in expandable nature. For those building a new home, the marginal increase on your mortgage will be more than made up for in energy savings down the road. Your HVAC systems will not have to work as hard or as often when your home is more frequently at the desired temperature due to superior insulation.


Cellulose Insulation

Cellulose insulation is a great option for those who are looking for a more budget-friendly, yet effective insulation method. Cellulose is blown-in insulation that is made from treated paper-based recycled materials. The installation method allows for the insulation to be blown into pre-existing structures with minimally invasive steps. A hose is fed in through a hole in the wall where the insulation is blown in. This can go around obstructions such as wires and ducts, for a full seal.


Low-E Reflective

An excellent choice for those who want to save time and money. This insulation is installed in panels and is an excellent vapor barrier. It does not contain fiberglass and won’t leave you itching. Minimal installation tools are required and a tight seal that is insect resistant can be easily achieved. This insulation has a Class A/Class 1 Fire Rating.


Ask Our Experts

If you are unsure about the type of insulation that will work best in your home for your specific scenario, then give us a call! One of the things that separate us from other companies is our desire to educate you as much as possible about our types of insulation. When you choose us you will learn about:

  • The product you are receiving.
  • What product will work best.
  • Where it should go for the most effective results.
  • Why it will be beneficial.
  • How it will improve ROI.


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