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(585) 217-9069

What Is Spray Foam Insulation?

Spray-in-place insulation is an innovative, two-part polyurethane. It is available in open-celled and closed celled foam. In one step provides a sealed thermal envelope that simplifies construction practices. If you are located in the Upstate New York area and need spray foam insulation at your home, you can rely on Coler Natural Insulation to get the job done right.


Installation by Coler is provided with certified technicians that specialize in spray foam installation. Application of the product can generally occur independently of environmental conditions--it can be installed in hot, humid, or freezing conditions--and surface preparation is generally not necessary. Once spray foam insulation has been sprayed, curing takes only a few seconds. Because spray foam expands up to 100 times its size after the spraying process, it is extremely effective at sealing up the smallest of cracks, holes, perimeter joists, nooks, crannies, and other openings that conventional insulation cannot reach. Spray foam stays in place and flexes with the building while keeping its shape to maintain a tight seal.


Benefits of Spray FoamPray foam insulation in new home

Forming a true thermal seal, spray foam insulation has the ability to reduce utility bills over standard construction techniques. That means your potential savings can be huge. Still, some people may be tempted to use a less expensive, but largely inferior, conventional insulation when building their home. This is a big mistake. Why? Because building with spray foam Insulation only affects your mortgage payments marginally, perhaps by a few dollars, but your monthly utility bill could drop by a hundred dollars or more. With spray foam Insulation you start saving right away and continue to do so for the entire life of your home.

Spray foam insulation has a high R-value for the life of the building. This reduces heating and cooling energy costs and constantly pays back the investment. Although spray foam typically has a slight cost premium over "economy" insulation systems, experience has shown this is more than paid back to all parties:

  • Residential owners get reduced utility bills and greater building comfort

  • Commercial users get reduced utility bills, greater employee comfort, better control of the building, and reduction of "sick building" situations.

  • Builders complete the project sooner and avoid call-backs and problems.